Are you an early riser or a night owl? That's right: the answer to the question above is not there! The best time to run depends on your preferences and on your untangling among the thousands of daily commitments. Carburetion in the early morning is not for everyone while in the evening, fatigue often prevails. Beyond pure motivation - remember to find a valid why! - pay attention to how you feel in the different time slots of the day to be able to physically give your best.
A relaxed early morning run is the perfect start to the day for many! The combination of fresh air and movement is in fact optimal for getting the body moving again after sleep and can be more effective than a cup of coffee. The morning is the best time to run for allergy sufferers, as the air in the early hours of the day has a lower concentration of pollen.
Here are our suggestions:
once you get up it is important to drink a lot because the body tends to lose even more than half a litter of fluids during the night through breathing and sweating
it is not recommended to drink coffee before running due to its dehydrating effect, therefore one or two glasses of water are healthier
if you had dinner the previous evening, you will not necessarily have to have breakfast because the carbohydrate accumulators in the morning are still loaded, but if you wake up with a "rumbling" stomach you can have a light and easily digestible snack or take an energy bar with you
considering that after many hours in a lying position the joints may still be stiff, start running gradually, carefully increasing the pace and intensity
bring a handy water bottle with you if you plan to tackle a bit longer than usual
running on an empty stomach would promote weight loss but it is generally recommended not to continue the activity for over an hour
Do you have time to run only in the evening? No problem! In fact, there is no “worst” time to go jogging. Indeed, many professionals love to go for a run outdoors after work, just to release the stress of the day and thus free the mind.
avoid too strenuous sessions or endurance runs late in the evening, as stress hormones that are released may cause you to have difficulty falling asleep
if you love running in the dark, you must absolutely equip yourself with adequate lighting and wear clothing with reflective elements for greater visibility, such as vests or retro-reflective shirts to always guarantee maximum safety even in road traffic. You can check out Adidas for such sports garments. Also make use of Adidas India coupons for extra discounts.
If running is in the middle and you have chosen the afternoon for your training session, know that sports doctors are of the opinion that our body can reach its best performance between 16 and 19, when the subjective resistance is at the highest level and therefore you can also dedicate yourself to hard mountain running or endurance training over long distances.
In summary:
There is no better time to run valid for everyone as each of us has its own internal clock that it would be appropriate to listen to. In general, keep in mind that after every meal it is important to wait a certain time before wearing running shoes to avoid unpleasant digestive problems: if you only ate a light snack, you can start your run after 30-45 minutes, if you have taken a richer meal, it is better to wait 1 to 2 hours.